In machine 2 the audio routings are : Audio : Interface driver = ASIO / Device = ASIO Fireface USB / Status = running / sample rate = 44. _ There seems to be no input signal only a output in Cubase

When using not in midi mode I also have problems. We have 3 Native Instruments MASCHINE MK3 manuals available for free PDF download: Manual, Getting Started Native Instruments MASCHINE MK3 Manual (891 pages) Drum Controller Brand: Native Instruments Category: DJ Equipment Size: 21. Its also possile I made some msiatkes within the Maschine 2 software.ĭont know what to shoose within the “Master - group and sound settings” But I do I need midi cables ( i didn’t ) I only use a usb connection. I am an old guy so perhaps not the smartest with software so excuse me for beiing a bit dumb. at the beginning of Jeff Gibons explannation he already has a sound in Cubase, so for my problem he starts to late, I don’t have sound from the beginning … Perhaps I made a mistake somewhere but I dont know were …

The manual says to use the build in audio interface, and the software installation did set the Mashine mk3 as "Main MK3 WDM Audio"but I want to use my RME Fireface Audio interface instead, so I did set that interface back as my main again. 14 reviews Write your review Item ID: MaschMik3. Complete Groove Production Hardware Control Surface and Software System - Mac/PC AAX Native, VST, AU, Standalone. Maschine MK3 ctrl MIDI and Maschine MK3 EXT Midi- both marked as active Maschine Mikro MK3 Production and Performance System with Software. The input and output port in “Midi port setup” are not named in- or output but

Thanks Blindeddie but it doesnt work for me